Enver Hoxha
“All the peoples of the world aspire to freedom, independence, sovereignty, social justice, culture, peace, and fight for them”
Enver Hoxha was the charismatic leader of Albania from 1944 to 1985, radically transforming the country with his communist vision. He led the Resistance against the fascist occupation, founding the People’s Socialist Republic of Albania and breaking with the Soviet powers to maintain an independent socialism. Known for his determination and policies of isolation, Hoxha left an indelible mark on Albanian history.
Adil Çarçani (photo from 1982) Prime Minister in the RPSA government
Ramiz Alia, Enver Hoxha's successor since 1982, was part of the Albanian youth fascist movement before joining the partisans. In September 1990, he met with various international leaders, including a former CIA agent, during the 45th UN General Assembly, but revealed nothing upon his return to Albania. A series of crucial events followed, such as the assault on the embassies and the student demonstration in December. At the 12th Plenum of the PLA on November 6, 1990, he declared that there would be no return to the past.
Ramiz Alia (photo from 1982) Hoxha's successor
After 40 years at Enver Hoxha's side, Ramiz Alia became his successor in 1982. Before the war, he had been part of the Albanian fascist Balli Kombetar movement. In September 1990, during the 45th UN General Assembly, he met with various international leaders but revealed nothing of his meetings upon returning to Albania.
Ismail Kadarè (photo 1973) Albanian writer
In 1984, Enver Hoxha's memoir, "When the foundations of the new Albania were laid", was published. Ismail Kadaré praised it for its historical value and the teaching it offered, recognizing Hoxha as an eminent Marxist-Leninist and an influential promoter of Albanian sciences, arts and literature. However, in 1990 Kadaré left Albania to seek political asylum in France and criticized Hoxha in numerous interviews in the following years.
Dritëro Agolli (photo 1973) Albanian writer.
Member of the PLA and president of the writers' league, in June 1991, during the Xth Congress of the PLA, he attacked Enver Hoxha for the cult of personality, the isolation of Albania, the dictatorship and the denial of human rights. His speech provoked protests from the few delegates present, marking the end of the PLA.
© 2024 eramic – Credit: Fabio Zambetti
For further information, consult the site: enverhoxha.ru